About Us
The Burien Dance Theatre opened its doors in 1967 as “Barbara’s Dance School”. Barbara had been running the Burien branch of the Barclay school of dance. When it closed down, she opened up her own dance school. She was even offered a position to teach at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, but didn’t want to leave her family and following of dedicated students in Burien. Here we are fifty years later, and the school is still thriving. Barbara passed on her love of dance and teaching to her daughter Brigitte. Now, Barbara sits at the desk and Brigitte does most of the teaching with her two young daughters in tow. This dance school has become like a second family to many of its dancers for three generations. Several students have got on to become professionals in the dance world and related fields such as physical therapists. We instill self confidence, poise, agility, and the ability to dance and perform to your heart’s content. The Burien Dance Theatre is a place where a lifetime love of dance and friendships are born.